The Residual Market Premium Calculator, based on the Residual Market Premium Algorithm, will help carriers verify the accuracy of their internal systems when calculating premium for guaranteed cost workers' compensation policies.
Residual Algorithm/Calculator for a policy effective date on or after July 1, 2016
The Voluntary Market Premium Calculator, based on the Voluntary Market Premium Algorithm, will help carriers verify the accuracy of their internal systems when calculating premium for guaranteed cost workers' compensation policies.
Voluntary Algorithm/Calculator for a policy effective date on or after July 1, 2016
Class Code Lookup
This application provides the user with a search using either the class code number or phraseology to find class codes, phraseologies, rates, and miscellaneous values.
Experience Rating, ARAP and Merit Rating Calculator
The Experience Rating, ARAP and Merit Rating Calculator is an online product which allows the user to enter the appropriate statistical data and calculate the Massachusetts intrastate experience modification and ARAP factors or the applicable merit factor.
Experience Rating History
Search for experience rating factors and employer eligibility by Combo ID or policy primary name.
Manage Ownership
The Manage Onwership tool allows an employer, or a producer who is authorized by the employer, to complete and submit the WCRIBMA Request for Ownership Information Form (ERM Form) electronically to the WCRIBMA through our website.
The Online MCCPAP Application allows for the submission of a construction credit application through the WCRIBMA website.
Underwriting Tools and Forms
The Underwriting Tools and Forms page includes links to Applications and Forms, the Assigned Risk Application Calculator, Circular Letters, Filed and Approved Endorsements, Manuals, and Special Bulletins.
Workers' Compensation Classification Request Form
The online Classification Request Form enables individuals to request a specific employer's workers' compensation classification codes and the percentage of payroll associated with each classification code.