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Rate Filing

One of the major functions of the Bureau, and the primary responsibility of the Actuarial Department, is the preparation of and procurement of the Workers' Compensation rates for Massachusetts insurers. To a large extent, the rate filing process is governed by statute Section 53A of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 152 provides, in part that:

(1) Any insurance company authorized to transact business in this commonwealth … shall file with the commissioner of insurance, or, if it is a member of or subscriber to a rating organization under section fifty-two C, authorize such rating organization to file with the commissioner on its behalf, its classification of risks and premiums relating thereto and subsequent proposed classifications of premiums.

(2) Such classifications of risks and premiums shall be filed at least every two years and on any additional date that the commissioner of insurance may designate. Within sixty days after any filing the commissioner shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the classifications and rates are not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory for the risks to which they respectively apply and that they fall within a range of reasonableness."

(For Rating organization information, reference M.G.L., Chapter 152, Section 52C Rating organizations in general; subscribers; co-operative activities; rates; freedom of contract.)

(For more information regarding recent legal/hearing issues refer to Massachusetts Division of Insurance Decisions).

Approved Rate Changes from 1988 to now.

Original Filing Effective Date Originally Filed Change Approved Effective Date Approved Rate Change
01/01/1988 31.5% 01/01/1988 19.9%
01/01/1989 23.5% 01/01/1989 14.2%
01/01/1990 42.6% 01/01/1990 26.2%
01/01/1991 21.6% 01/01/1991 11.3%
07/01/1992 18.9% 01/01/1993 6.2%
01/01/1994 -2.9% 01/01/1994 -10.2%
01/01/1995 -10.5% 01/01/1995 -16.5%
07/01/1996 -7.0% 05/01/1996 -12.2%
01/01/1998 -11.1% 02/14/1998 -21.1%
08/01/1999 2.6% 09/01/1999 -20.3%
09/01/2001 7.7% 07/01/2001 1.0%
09/01/2003 8.6% 09/01/2003 -4.0%
09/01/2005 1.0% 09/01/2005 -3.0%
09/01/2007 -14.6% 09/01/2007 -16.9%
09/01/2008 2.3% 09/01/2008 -1.0%
09/01/2010 4.5% 09/01/2010 -2.4%
09/01/2011 6.6% 09/01/2011 No Change
09/01/2012 19.3% 09/01/2012 No Change
01/01/2014 7.7% 04/01/2014 0.0%
07/01/2016 6.4% 07/01/2016 1.5%
07/01/2018 -11.1% 07/01/2018 -12.9%
07/01/2020 -3.8% 07/01/2020 -6.8%
07/01/2022 2.7% 07/01/2022 -3.46%
07/01/2023 -4.0% 07/01/2023 -10.2%
07/01/2024 -8.3% 07/01/2024 -14.6%
07/01/2025 7.1%    


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Rate Filing

The Workers' Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts
101 Arch Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110